lunes, 18 de junio de 2012


today I speak about my two favorite breeds dogs, I really like all dogs small, big, hairly, bare, any color, of breeds or not breeds. Actually I have a "quiltro" dog; my Reina she is so much loyal and obedient, have a well behaved and I love with my all heart.But I if I have to choose two breeds opt for the Labrador Retriever, because is an incredible dog so most beautiful I like her color is a dog very sociable with kids special for the family are not violent at all, pacific, cheerful and with much energy so he must constantly do exercise. For this characteristics the Labrador Retriever is used like "lazarillo" for people deaf or blind. 

The other breed dog I like is the Dalmatian, a dog very cute and nice, their spots are the most characteristic (I love)  plus these puppies remind me my childhood by the movie "101 Dalmatians" I love this movie, I could see again and again. the dalmatian dogs are also very loyal and friendly with children and people in general, ideal as a pet.

see you soon........ bye!

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