jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Think think!!!

      Hello! today talk about opinions... well exactly my opinions about diferent thing, in first place about the owning an exotic pet, well a think this people has to be so responsable because the exotic pet are very sensitive when they are taken away from their habitat, personality I don`t like the exotic pet... well maybe one or two like the nosy or the hedgehog. About the woman in the military a think is very good, the womans are so strong like any boy and are be capacity do any think, I hate the people who think that women are weak. Now about the chileans politicians, well I think are the wors, usually when the peoples have power forget the generosity and I think the politicians are so corrupt and ambitious, in short I don´t like that, shoudl be taken more seriously their charge and make things really for the good and growth of our contry. About the violence on TV mmm... I think is bad for the children because they are so small and copy everything they see. The fortune telling... well that is... I don´t  now, I think there are many people who lie and take advantage of this, but I think to there are people  who really have this ability. Now about killing stray dogs... I think is terrible I can´t understand how people can be so bad and without feelings, kill a poor animal with no remorse. About the marijuana... I think is good legalize it, because there wouid be more traffic, at least for this drug, there would be both unlawful. Now about the climate change... well I think this is so sad because our planet are so beautiful and is changing so drastically, losing beautiful place, but now are so many campaigns and institutions working to fix this and create awareness among people, I know is no possible reverse the current situation, but is good work for this is not more serious. About cloning... the cloning is something delicate, because are so much viewpoints about this,by science is a progress incleible, but for the church is an aberration, and I be christian and I think the only one who can give the life is god, so is complicate... About the recycling I think is so berry good, in fact I think our country is very backward in this issue, maybe we could drive over this area, diminish the trash and clean up our contry. About the "barras bravas"  I think are so violent and "flaites" I don´t like and I can´t understand how people can be so fanatic and crazy. About the legalizing abortion in some cases like a genetic malformation in pregnancy is so good because we save a huge penalty to a mother... 

well teacher when submit a little late the homework did not choose 5 choices and I did all... :D

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012


today I speak about my two favorite breeds dogs, I really like all dogs small, big, hairly, bare, any color, of breeds or not breeds. Actually I have a "quiltro" dog; my Reina she is so much loyal and obedient, have a well behaved and I love with my all heart.But I if I have to choose two breeds opt for the Labrador Retriever, because is an incredible dog so most beautiful I like her color is a dog very sociable with kids special for the family are not violent at all, pacific, cheerful and with much energy so he must constantly do exercise. For this characteristics the Labrador Retriever is used like "lazarillo" for people deaf or blind. 

The other breed dog I like is the Dalmatian, a dog very cute and nice, their spots are the most characteristic (I love)  plus these puppies remind me my childhood by the movie "101 Dalmatians" I love this movie, I could see again and again. the dalmatian dogs are also very loyal and friendly with children and people in general, ideal as a pet.

see you soon........ bye!

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

My favorite picture xD!

mmmm.... well in this picture are my brothers and I a few two years ago, which embraces me is Gabriel my little brother have only five years and which is next is my other brother Claudio have eleven (brother of the half) this photo was take my mother, we are in the garden of my little brother in the year-end event, the grade of my little brother interpreted a Christmas dance about Santa Claus and the reindeer and obviously my brother interpreted a reindeer, he looked so cute. I really like this photo because are the three, I really love my brothers are the most beautiful I have and they are great, intelligent, take care between them, care for mom and are so fun I laugh so much with them, invent everything, they are really special for me, and I don’t know…. I think when my parents not be, only be the three so we have support between ourselves.  


when I was a child love the animals, my mother says for me all animals were cute, in fact to the most ugly animal for my was beautiful, so I think always I wanted to be a veterinary, maybe when I was so much smaller I wanted to be an actress and ballet dancer.

when I was in high school I think in study something like architecture or design, because I was berry good for do models and crafts, I like design things, do things with my own hands, my own creations, but now I can not, the University takes my too long :/

what made I decide to be a vet? mmmmm... I never think, I never had to decide, I always knew it would be a vet :D

So far I have a great time in the University, well sometimes I stress a little and wanna do nothing only sleep, but I meet people so much good and great and I can approach to the animals (I love) and I learned a lot.

The job a like have in the future...... I don't know, because I not yet decided to which I want to dedicate, I'm confused between two areas.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012



The animal most beautiful, intelligent and loyal is the  elephant. The elephants are enormous mammal, in fact are the land animal most large there. Live in herd and are verry concerned about the integral of their herd, to say that when somebody dying the herd wait to this die. 

The elephant have a gestation of 22 months (verry long) and the weight at birth is 120 kg usually life 50 or 70 years, have a brain of 5 kg that is the reason of their intelligence and other behavior like mouiring, adoption, board, tool use, compassion and self-recognition. Feed almost exclusively on gass, but also fruits, bark of trees and shrubbery.

The elephant were intensively hunted by their tusk because that are of ivory and by their leather is verry thick, which caused the decrease of the population, to day exist a lot peoples and organizations fighting by their well be and conservation.

My dreams is someday travel to the India or Africa and see the elephants in their natural habitat for marvel with this incredible animals.


martes, 24 de abril de 2012

My favourite piece of technology...!

Hi!.. today I tell you about my favourite pice of technology. My photographic camera, the photographic camera is a electrical apparatus
that use for take pictures of moments, place, experiences, etc. Today have so many types of photographic camera some very expensive and advanced and other more simplest, like mine.

My camera is black, small, so it is very confortable :) I very like it, I have it from the christmas day, but before I had a camera lead color that was broken and so many years ago was a cameras that used photographic rolls :) there were sooooooo! grate, because you could not see the picture until you get the roll.

I especially use my camera  when a go for vacation (ESSENTIAL), when someone birthday this, etc. And I think the best of the cameras is the picture, because can remember people maybe are not be now, people very important for you or special moment that do don`t want to never forget , like for example, the other day my mom found a lot of photos in a drawer of many years ago and together we began to see it, we very laugh !! :) and the other funny of the pictures is that can be you in a very uncomfortable situation, when someone by mistake sees your photos more shameful jajajaja that is soooo uncomfortable!!! and What would do without my camera? mmm maybe I cry jajaj Bye!!!

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


I don´t have a unique type of music or favorite band. The truth is that I like soo many types and styles of music, from the more sentimental and sad ballad to the most lit electronic. 

Some of the artists that I like are: Coldplay because have very good songs, like "the scientist" who talk about how we should not waste time and things or people because someday we may be missing,i love, every time I hear it gives me goosebumps. Other group I like is Mana their songs are very sentimental and nice, I like too many bands Chilean like the Bunkers, and Tronic, Illapu; bands with a sthong social critique to society and politic. I like also the moved music to when I go to dance like the electrinic, tecno and pop, i love David Guetta his tracks are great, turn even the most dead !!! and I don´t now wats most to say.... In the last time I´ve been hearing a very funny group "LMFAO" they are so stupid I laugh a lot with their songs and videos :) !!!
